Jaxson never does anything the easy way. It's go big or go home with this kid, every time. Most recently, we had to rush Jaxson to the ER. On August 17, Jaxson started to get fussy. Jayson as at work, but thankfully our friend Kelly was in town from Charlotte. Jaxson spiked a fever of 101.7 around 10:30pm. I brought him downstairs and gave him Tylenol, ear drops and gas drops, unsure of the cause. He decided to throw up his entire 3oz snack on me, two hours after he ate it. His fever broke and we cuddled up on the living room floor. He woke up again around 5am (mind you I had to stay awake to feed him at 12am) and had another high fever. I gave him more medicine and got him back to sleep. When he woke up the next morning, he was a different baby. Still not 100%, but definitely happier. We got him to take his food, working from a few ounces up to a normal feed, without getting sick. He slept most of the day, and started to heat up again, but we caught the temperature at 100 and he was fine. Thankfully, we got to go home the next day. And thanks to my parents, sister and niece, Jeffrey did not have to deal with his brother and one of his parents being out of the house for the night!
The following day, I had planned on going back to work. I was only going to go for a few hours because Jayson had to work (we'll get to that), and then someone was coming in to cover me. That is not how the day went at all. We knew as soon as Jeffrey got out of bed that he wasn't doing well. Fever of 101. Okay, fine, that's not horrible. We gave him some Tylenol and he perked up a little, but not all the way. Still, his fever dropped so I planned on going in. Three hours into his Tylenol, Jeffrey's fever skyrocketed to 103.7. I immediately called Jayson to come back (no idea where he was now) so we could take Jeffrey to the ER. My biggest concern was strep with the fever spiking under meds. Luckily it wasn't that, but they determined that he had gotten enterovirus from Jaxson. Awesome. So, home I stayed. Jeffrey ended up being pretty sick that day, but did much better the following day and is now back to his normal rotten self.
When I had to call off of work three days in a row, I spoke with my manager and we agreed. It was not fair to the bank for me to continue to call off work for emergencies, especially when they were really relying on me being there. So I ended up not going back at all. Jayson found a job pretty quickly and we've transitioned back into traditional roles. It's an adjustment for everyone, let me tell you. This is a whole new way of life for me. I've had a job since I was 15, so not working is weird. Jeffrey is all out of sorts. Between daddy being gone all the time now and starting school, it's no wonder that he had an upset stomach today. I kept him home and shortly after I called the school to let them know, he threw up on the blanket I had put down in case he needed to get sick. Now he's sleeping in my recliner. I just hope he feels better when he wakes up! Jayson is adjusting to working full-time again. After not working for over a year, he has done a good job of integrating himself back into the work force. I think Jaxson has had the easiest time with this change. Mommy is home all the time, he loves his schedule and basically sticks to it without a fuss, and he hasn't thrown up since he came home from the hospital. If you are new to this blog, Jaxson used to throw up after every feed. Every. Single. One. And we're not talking a little spit up, we're talking vomiting all over himself, the floor, and whoever happens to be holding him at such an inconvenient time. Thank goodness it appears that we're past that!
Adjusting to life as a stay at home mom has been both frustrating and rewarding. It's frustrating in that I am dealing with two young children every day who constantly battle my every decision. Jeffrey is testing his limits with mom, and he's quickly learning that mom has more will power than he does. There have been a lot of fits, many time outs, and even a few swats on the bottom. On the flip side, there has been relaxation, wrestling on the floor, watching movies and lots of laughter! Each day I learn something new about both of my boys, and each day they amaze me with what they are capable of doing on their own. They make me laugh with their quirky personalities and make me cry when I can't seem to get it right. And I love every second. I can personally keep an eye on Jaxson and make sure I get to all of his appointments without hassle. I can make sure that Jeffrey gets on and off the bus every day, and I can have a fun snack or surprise waiting for him when he gets home. I get to teach them, to play with them, to love on them and be loved by them every second of every day. I wouldn't change it for the world!
The next two weeks are going to be extremely busy and difficult to manage. Jaxson has five appointments next week alone, only one of which is at our house. We meet the new Neurosurgeon on the 3rd, Help Me Grow (home) on the 4th, PT and Speech on the 5th, and the dietician on the 6th. The following week is just as bad, on the 9th is audiology, the 10th he's supposed to go to school, the 12th is PT and the 13th is his EEG. Then we get a five day break until his surgery on the 18th, and we haven't found out how long he's going to be there yet. After surgery, we're clear of appointments for awhile. I say awhile, what I mean is two weeks! But hopefully we'll start getting some answers soon.
So in this thing called life, we are doing well overall. Everyone seems more relaxed and ready to do what needs done. It's good for Jayson to have the distraction of work every day, and it's good for me to be with the boys every day. I think we made the right decision, so hopefully we don't get bit in the butt later!
Also, you may have noticed the links under the "Pages" section growing. Because Jaxson does not have a diagnosis, I have decided to put up links to the different things he has going on in his body. At least the ones I could find that would be helpful to anyone not familiar with the situation. I also have added some Facebook pages for a couple of people, as well as links to a few foundations that are close to me. Each link under the Pages section will take you directly to that particular website. This will be updated as we gain more information and as I have more time to fool around with blogspot and see what capabilities it has.
Now that it's four days after I started this silly thing, I'm finally done. Jaxson did very well at PT this morning and we're headed in for a follow up vision check. Crossies that I'm wrong about his strabismus!
"Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it is the way it is. It's how you cope with it that makes the difference."
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