Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I should have listened to Jayson last night. He told me to come to the hospital because I was missing Jaxson and I told him I would spend the night if I left right then. He told me it was fine, but I decided I wanted to sleep in my bed. I should have come. Jaxson's heart rate went up into the 200s this morning which caused them to check his temperature. It was over 102.

So when I walked in over two hours ago, there were three nurses working on him. They've blown several veins trying to get an IV in and trying to take blood for tests. The IV still isn't in, even after calling the IV team. They got his urine from a catheter for his urinalysis, and they've ordered a chest X-ray to look at his lungs. They'll also be doing a lumbar puncture to check for meningitis. They had to get clearance from neurosurgery for the lumbar puncture because of his spine issues. Neurosurgery said that they could do it if it was absolutely necessary and only with the aid of ultrasound. S at some point today they'll be taking Jaxson down to radiology to do that. The X-ray team will come to his room for that part.

For the next 48 hours (at least) we have to wear gowns, masks and gloves while we're in his room. So I can still hold him but I can't touch him or kiss him. I can't even be in his room while they're doing all of this stuff either. I know they're doing what's best for him, but to hear him cry and not be able to comfort him is killing me. And if he gets any sicker they're going to move him back upstairs where he'll get more attention.

Never again will I ignore my instincts. My heart was telling me to come check on my baby and I didn't do it. I could shoot myself in the foot.

Jayson is the most supportive husband a woman could ask for. He took Jeffrey to my parents house and is on his way back here with food. My dad is amazing for watching Jeffrey while he's got Lexi and dealing with the emotions of having a daughter in the ICU. I am so lucky to have such an amazing family. And friends who offer to watch Jeffrey if I need them to or offer to come sit with me so I'm not alone.

Right now I just need them to be done so I can comfort my baby. Hopefully they're close.


  1. i hope everything is fine guys, im looking foward to meeting my little brother when i get a chance to come up there, i love you guys,

  2. Thanks kiddo. We love and miss you too! Hope you can get up here soon!
