Friday, July 20, 2012

VCUG Results

When I got to the hospital this morning, Jaxson was in the hallway being taken somewhere. I sort of flipped out because I forgot about his test, and then the nurses reminded me that he was going for his VCUG to check his kidney. Thankfully, the doctor came by right before I left and told me that everything came back normal! For once, we got good news. He does not have any reflux issues with having two ureters, which means he's not at any additional risk for urinary tract or kidney infections. I think that urology and nephrology are still going to look at it to decide if anything will ever need done about it, but I can tell you from this whole experience that if anything is going to be done, it won't be until there's a problem to fix. Since there isn't a problem right now, I'm sure they'll just leave it alone.

In other good news, Jaxson took 20mL's twice and 13mL's once from a bottle during the night! That's huge for my little guy, considering he had taken 10 at most before and averaged closer to 5. I also talked to OT about his feeding schedule because I was not comfortable with them trying to feed him a bottle at every feed. He's having a hard enough time as it is, and I felt that it would stress him out too much to have that happen. My OT just kind of smiled and agreed with me. She had them change his schedule to four times a day and only when he shows interest in eating. So they'll look for feeding signs like eating his hands, being wide awake, sucking on his pacifier, and being cooperative during his care sessions. That made me feel much better and I think he'll improve faster and take more food if he isn't forced to take a bottle all the time.

So Jaxson had this great day and I got to stay for a few extra hours thanks to my sweet mother-in-law who watched Jeffrey for us. I was in a pretty good mood and had a good time just chilling out with Jeffrey. Then reality sunk in and I pulled up my bank account to see what bills I needed to pay, only to discover that my disability company totally messed up my paycheck. I should get at least 5 weeks at full pay and the rest at 60%, but it looks like I only got 60% this time for some reason. That triggered another break down and phone call to my amazing mom who calmed me down and told me that we would figure something out. I can always rely on my family to help me out Ina pinch and I'm so lucky for that. This was one stressor that I did not need!

Now I'm just getting Jeffrey to bed, with me as seems to be the MO lately, and trying to keep it together. Jeffrey is such a great little boy. He knows mommy is having a rough night and he's being so good. Well, as good as a three year old can be haha. He's trying at times, but he usually knows when it's time to listen and not push buttons. I am extremely blessed to have such an intuitive and perceptive little boy.

I'm blessed in so many ways. Sometimes it's hard to see through all the muck, and it doesn't mean that I will be happy all the time, but it certainly makes things easier to handle when I remember that I have so much support. I just have to learn to lean on people and use the support that I have instead of trying to do it all by myself. So please, feel free to send me friendly reminders when I start to sound like a crybaby! Even if I don't lean on you, it will remind me that you are there and sometimes that's all I need.

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