Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Urinary Tract and Blood Infections

Today was another long day. It started with a phone call from Children's at 6:30 this morning. Thankfully, I was already up and pumping so it didn't wake me up. I think that would have been worse. The night nurse was getting ready to leave and wanted to update me before she left. More of Jaxson's tests came back. Not only does Jaxson have a urinary tract infection, but he has a blood infection. And a pretty serious one. I forget what the doctor called it, but it's something that's pretty concerning in babies. So they put him on an additional antibiotic that's pretty strong and has the potential to make him sick. So I finished what I was doing and left the house to go see my baby.

He still looked really pale when I got there this morning and after talking to the doctor, I learned that his blood count was down to 8.4. It still wasn't low enough for them to do a transfusion unless he started showing signs that he needed it. The doctor was really surprised that the infection spread to his blood and she told me that if he got any sicker they would move him back up to the NICU where he would have his own nurse. They decided to stop feeding him and go back to giving him nutrition through his PICC line. So his feeding tube is gone, which is nice in a way. I'm sure it feels better to not have that in.

I left for a few hours in the afternoon to come home and see my boys and then went back this evening for about an hour. When I went back, he still looked pretty pale, but he was awake and alert. I held him the whole time I was there and all he wanted was to look at mommy. I also found out when I went back that they got his respiratory tests back and everything was negative, so once they get approval in the morning, we can lose the gear! I'm really hoping that happens because it really sucks to not be able to touch him.

Jaxson is showing us what a true fighter he is. He knows that if he gets sicker he's moving back up to the other floor and I really think he likes where he is now. The Ono sign that the antibiotics are bothering him is he's got a ittle diarrhea. He hasn't thrown up and his vitals have remained stable. His breathing and heart rate are a little higher than what he usually runs, but it's nothing dangerous.

I really enjoyed seeing him awake and looking around tonight. He's felt so crappy for the last two days that all he's done is sleep. While that's nice for cuddles and naps, I was really concerned about him because you could just tell he wasn't feeling well. So seeing him perk up this evening really made me relax a little. I'll still call to check on him before I go to bed and see if there's any updates on the rest of his test results.

Th biggest frustration I have with this whole thing is not just that he has all of these lines back in him again, but that he's stopped getting food. I need him to eat so he can come home and this is definitely setting him back. I suppose I can hold out hope that he'll be ready for the bottle when they let him eat again, but it's not very likely. And I'm supposed to go back to work in a few weeks :/ that's going to absolutely kill me, but it is what it is. I just hope he pulls it together so I don't have to worry about it.

In other good news, Sara is on the mend too. The doctors hope to have her moved out of ICU tomorrow so she can see her baby again. And Ariella should be discharged tomorrow, so she'll likely get moved to Sara's room anyway. I'm so happy that she's doing better! There has been so much going on that I haven't been able to see her, but I plan on getting there in the next day or so to see her for myself and squeeze Ariella.

In another month, everyone is going to be home and we're all going to look at this as a bad dream. Except we have pictures as evidence that it happened.

Tomorrow I'll get more information abut Jaxson's condition and how he's doing. Hopefully his blood count is back up and his infection is gone. Once that test comes back negative, he has to be on antibiotics for 10 more days. Which means that's how long the PICC will stay in, although that doesn't mean he won't eat I think. I'm also hoping that I'll have the results from the rest of his cultures in the morning so we an rest easy knowing what we're dealing with. Praying for good news tomorrow for baby Jaxson!

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