Today was such a blah day. I think there was a bit of a letdown after yesterday went so well, which is to be expected in our current situation. Plus we got some not so hot news about Sara. So I'll start there tonight.
Two days ago, after they had taken Sara off of the blood thinners to figure out where her bleeding was, she developed a clot in her right arm. The doctors determined that they were going to let the blood thinners take care of it since they had already started her back on them. Today, Sara developed a high fever over 103, her heart rate jumped up over 100 and her oxygen saturation dropped into the 70s. This prompted the doctors to do a chest X-ray and CT scan to look for a clot in her lungs. Preliminary results show no clot, but they aren't finished reading her scans so I'm not sure if there's anything else. But something is obviously causing her to have all of these problems, it's just a matter of finding out what it is. Thankfully, she has the same nurse tonight that she had last night when she was having problems. This nurse is the reason Sara had those tests and the reason she has oxygen in her room now. So hopefully they'll be able to figure something else out tonight or tomorrow.
I haven't been able to visit Sara as much as I'd like because I go to visit Jaxson every day, so tonight I made sure I got there to see her. Her heart rate was still high, blood pressure is high, hemoglobin is low, and oxygen saturation is low without the cannula (prongs in the nose). Her fever also came back as soon as the Tylenol wore off. She's being such a trooper through all of this. I know she doesn't feel well and it's frustrating when the doctors and nurses don't take you seriously all of the time. But her body is clearly trying to tell us something. I just hope they figure it out before they send her home and she loses oxygen saturation while she sleeps. Scary thought, huh? Yeah, I agree.
And then there's Lexi, who's possibly the most awesome nine year old ever. I know she's worried about her mom and scared of what's going on, but you wouldn't know it to talk to her. I know she shows more emotion to my parents than to anyone else, but she's such a strong little girl. I worry about her through all of this. Her mom and her sister have been in the hospital for two weeks. She misses them a lot, no matter how we try to distract her or how often she gets to see them. I just want to squeeze her.
Jaxson isn't entirely out of the woods either. He's doing amazing with his antibiotics and he's eating decently from the bottle too. He actually took 15mL for me today, 12 for the morning nurse, and 8 twice this afternoon. It's progress. The only "bad" thing that happened today was that Children's called us to let us know that there was a little blood in his feeding tube. It's nothing anyone is worried about because it was bright red and likely happened when he sneezed or something. But they are keeping an eye on it to make sure it doesn't continue. Overall he's imroving, which is why I felt comfortable leaving when I did today.
My day didn't go as planned, though, and it seems as if that's going to be a running trend. The plan was for me to go see Jaxson, then Jayson and Jeffrey would meet me down there and Jeffrey would go to the clubhouse for awhile. Jayson would then go to work and I would get a little extra time with Jaxson since I left early yesterday, and Jeffrey would just get a late nap. Then my mom called with the news about Sara. I didn't want to take the chance that Jeffrey wouldn't get a nap, so I left when Jayson did to come home and put him to bed. So I didn't get that much time with Jaxson. Again. It's killing me to have two kids in different places. I can't be two places at once, much as I would like.
While I hate that I can't have my boys both at home, I have to applaud Jeffrey once again. He is, by far, the absolute best three year old on the planet. I took him with me to go see Sara and he was so well behaved. I had to get on him a couple of times for not listening, but that's normal for any three year old. He's just so good and entertains himself so well with the iPad or his toys. I suppose I can take some credit for that ;) it's also the reason he gets his way a little more right now than he used to. He deserves it for being the way that he is and being the best big brother Jaxson could have.
So now I'm home with my monster. Nothing new one Sara and nothing new on Jaxson. With Jaxson, no news is good news. With Sara, it just means they haven't figured it out yet. Hopefully the news I get tomorrow is all positive on both counts. I'm also looking forward to getting some time with my husband tomorrow. Thanks to my fabulous mother-in-law who's going to watch Jeffrey for a few hours for us. No idea what we're doing yet, but it will be together!
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